Thursday, January 15, 2009

Home Saunas –Improve Your Health And Enhance Your Home With A Design That Fits Your Lifestyle

Although home saunas have been around for centuries, the stresses and health concerns of today’s society have brought the benefits of sauna bathing to the forefront. In addition to providing a relaxing yet refreshing spa experience, home saunas have been shown to help cleanse the body of toxins and other impurities, ease joint and muscle pain, stimulate metabolism, and provide numerous other health benefits. The social aspects of saunas have become more important in recent years as we focus on entertaining at home and spending more time together with our families.

The increasing popularity of saunas has led to innovative design options, including different heating technologies and a wide variety of prefabricated sauna kits that are easy to use and that can be adapted to most any living situation and budget.

Home Sauna Design Choices

Home saunas come in both indoor and outdoor models. A sauna located right in your home is exceptionally convenient and easy to use; however, it does take up space and likely will require some remodeling. An outdoor sauna may be less accessible, but offers more design options and may feel more natural. Where you live and how and when you plan to use the sauna will help determine which type of sauna is best for you.

In addition to indoor and outdoor sauna options, you can choose from the following technologies for heating:

Gas or Propane
Infrared Heat

Infrared saunas use electricity, ceramic heaters, and infrared technology to convert most of the energy supplied into radiant infrared thermal heat waves. These waves are similar to the heat from the sun, but without the harmful ultraviolet light. Infrared saunas heat the skin directly, rather than warming the air first, which allows them to operate at lower temperatures than a traditional sauna.

A home sauna may also have dry or wet heat. A dry sauna simply uses the heating element to warm the air in the sauna to temperatures around 150 to 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The hot temperatures lead to cleansing perspiration, but the dryness of the air causes evaporation, which creates a cooling effect.

Wet vs. Dry Saunas

A wet sauna typically uses water poured over the stones on top of the heater to create steam (traditionally called löyly) in addition to the heat. Because the steam adds heat to the sauna air, wet saunas typically require lower operating temperatures than dry saunas, and breathing in the steamy sauna air can be beneficial for those with certain medical conditions.

Prefabricated Sauna Kits

Some people choose to build their own sauna from scratch. This allows them to select the type of materials, size, and other customized features. Of course, a faster, easier way to enjoy the benefits of a home sauna is to purchase a pre-fabricated sauna kit, which comes with the walls, benches and door already designed to fit your space dimensions and personal specifications. Because of the large number of manufacturers that prefabricate saunas, you can usually find a design that incorporates your preferred style and type of heating source – whether it be wet or dry, electric, wood, or gas.

With so many choices in design, technology, location, and price, home saunas are one of the most popular choices for healthy home relaxation and socializing. And pre-fabricated sauna kits make construction and installation quick and easy. Now that home sauna spa you’ve always dreamed of can be yours.

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